USAID – Fuel-Efficient Stove Programs in Humanitarian Settings

February 11, 2011 · 0 comments

Fuel-Efficient Stove Programs in Humanitarian Settings: An Implementer’s Toolkit.

USAID, 2010


This Toolkit is designed to take you and your organization through a step-by-step process of assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of a proposed activity. While these guidelines focus primarily on wood-burning stoves, OFDA also will consider funding applications for stoves that utilize other fuels. A similarly thorough needs assessment and justification analysis will be required for those programs as well.

The Toolkit contains twelve steps. Each step includes an introduction, explanation of the task(s) to be conducted, tools to help you carry out the task(s), and information on additional resources. Each step is color-coded for ease of use. In addition, data log sheets for all surveys and testing protocols are provided below. You therefore have the ability to reproduce and modify the forms as necessary for your particular project.

While this Toolkit has been developed to be as comprehensive as possible, it is not possible to account for all possible circumstances or situations. This Toolkit provides the framework to make informed decisions, but you must also apply your knowledge about the unique needs, experiences, and preferences of your target beneficiaries and the natural and political environments where you intend to work. Moreover, the fields of stove design and testing methodologies are dynamic, and USAID priorities and indicators will change over time. Therefore, you should refer to the USAID/OFDA Guidelines for Unsolicited Proposals and Reporting to determine if there are any relevant revisions or updates before submitting your proposal for funding.

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