Solar cooking in China

January 15, 2013 · 0 comments


Trish B. Sheehan. Solar Household Energy.

Impact – Annual monitoring data confirms successful adoption of the new technology. The cookers are in continuing use, averaging 9% higher use than projected, with tCO2e set to be 7,962,487, exceeding the predicted figure of 7,238,625.

Whilst fostering environmental awareness and good practice, the project has created local jobs and local tax revenue. This ensured critical government support. As noted by one local project partner, “Without government cooperation, even a project backed by the UN can amount to nothing but paperwork.” (Tianbi, 2011) At the local sales tax rate of 17% on total cooker sales of approximately US$22,924,000 ($12,232,00 current projects + $10,692,000 pending), potential tax revenue is substantial.

In addition to the documented adoption of the technology, participant feedback has been positive. Coal dependent households with average energy consumption of 1345 kgce7 have spent between 5 and 25% of their income on fuel (Gregory 2012, Jiang, 2004). Zhang Binglian, a farmer in Pengyang County, has a greatly reduced fuel bill and considers the solar cooker a “real blessing”. (Tianbi, 2011) Less money and time spent on cooking and cleaning blackened pots, mainly done by women, has allowed time and funds for other activities. Some income earning, such as tea growing.

The solar cooking projects have directly created jobs in product manufacturing, servicing, distribution, demonstration and monitoring of usage. Emissions saved in the registered projects equate to removal of 156,000 cars from the road with potentially a further 89,500 from the five projects pending registration.

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