Clean, Affordable and Sustainable Cooking Energy for India: Possibilities and Realities beyond LPG

February 26, 2015 · 0 comments

Clean, Affordable and Sustainable Cooking Energy for India: Possibilities and Realities beyond LPG, 2015.

Authors: Abhishek Jain, Poulami Choudhury, and Karthik Ganesan. Council on Energy, Environment and Water.

There is a dearth of research and studies which compare different cooking energy options,especially using a multi-dimensional approach. Thus, with the objective of promoting clean,affordable and sustainable cooking energy for all, this study analysed the potential of thealternatives, going beyond LPG. The options which were assessed include the centrally distributed commodities like LPG, PNG, electricity and the decentralised options such as biogas and improved biomass cookstoves.

A multi-criteria comparative analysis was conducted, incorporating various dimensions such as economics, fuel supply assurance,technology resilience, cooking convenience, environmental impacts, etc. The analysis utilised the existing wealth of literature and secondary data, while tapping into the knowledge and experience of technology experts through online surveys and interviews.

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