Comments on: Nairobi – Rainwater Harvesting Seen as Solution for Drought and Flood Control from the WASHplus Project Sun, 26 Jul 2015 11:36:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: reynantevargas reynantevargas Thu, 07 Jan 2010 13:19:06 +0000 there are fresh virgin water on earth, what we are using are all recycled water process by nature and it is true that this are delivered by rain water and please allow me to post my links to give further explanation on how to harvest rain water and it's important there are fresh virgin water on earth, what we are using are all recycled water process by nature and it is true that this are delivered by rain water and please allow me to post my links to give further explanation on how to harvest rain water and it’s important

By: Water Harvest Online Water Harvest Online Wed, 05 Aug 2009 22:00:36 +0000 What a huge effect rainwater harvesting would have on these communities! We think it is rough here in America, I can only imagine how it is during a drought period in Africa. Please post any future blog posts to our <a href="" rel="nofollow">rainwater harvesting</a> forum on our water harvesting community at I'm sure our community would love to hear some international rainwater harvesting news.. What a huge effect rainwater harvesting would have on these communities! We think it is rough here in America, I can only imagine how it is during a drought period in Africa. Please post any future blog posts to our rainwater harvesting forum on our water harvesting community at I’m sure our community would love to hear some international rainwater harvesting news..
