WEDC Conference 2008 – Selected papers on urban water/sanitation

July 13, 2009 · 0 comments

Below are links to selected presentations on urban water and/or sanitation from the 33rd WEDC Conference in Ghana on Access to Sanitation and Safe Water: Global Partnerships and Local Actions, April 2008. All presentations are in pdf format.

Meeting the hygiene, safe water and sanitation needs of people living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA)

Use now, pay later: An innovative approach to increasing access to improved latrine facilities in Ghana

Water supply systems in selected urban poor areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A new global sanitary revolution: lessons from the past

Addressing the water and sanitation needs of primary schools: Experiences from East Africa

An investigation into linkages between tenure and urban sanitation development

Approaching community-level greywater management in non-sewered settlements in South Africa

Demand management for sustainable urban water services in cities of developing countries

Domestic water supply in Accra: How physical and social constraints to planning have greater consequences for the poor

HCES: A new approach to environmental sanitation planning for urban areas

Performance of private companies involved in urban solid waste management: Evidence from three cities in Ghana

Prejudices and attitudes toward reuse of nutrients from urine diversion toilets in South Africa

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