Lancet editorial: Urban health post-2015

February 27, 2015 · 0 comments

Editorial – Urban health post-2015. Lancet, Feb 28, 2015.

An excerpt: There are three opportunities to address urban health post-2015. First, governments committed to improving urban health must prioritise equitable access and adapted delivery of health and related services to the urban poor— including to non-legal residents. Slum dwellers make up the informal employment sector of cities, and are often not present in slums during regular clinic hours. Health services must adapt delivery to reach them.

Correspondence: Urban health in the post-2015 agenda

Authors: Shamim Talukderemail, Anthony Capon, Dhiraj Nath, Anthony Kolb, Selmin Jahan, Jo Boufford

An excerpt: The transformative approach stated in the post-2015 development agenda necessitates innovative and strong partnerships between civil society and private sectors, institutions that can work in an integrated manner, transfer of technology, capacity building, and greater attention than previously given to information access, monitoring, and reporting for accountability. A worldwide shared ambition should be to bring health to the centre of sustainable urban development.



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