Spoiled breast milk and bad water; local understandings of diarrhea

by Dan Campbell on January 14, 2014

Spoiled breast milk and bad water; local understandings of diarrhea causes and prevention in rural Sierra Leone. BMC Public Health, Dec 2013. S McMahon.

Categorizing behaviors as beneficial, harmful, non-existent or benign enables tailored programmatic recommendations. For example, respondents recognized the value of clean water and we correspondingly recommend interventions that reinforce consumption of and access to clean water. Second, respondents report denying “contaminated” breast milk to breastfeeding children. This is a harmful practice that merits attention. Third, the role of open defecation and poor hygiene in causing diarrhea is less understood and warrants introduction or clarification. Finally, the role of exposed feet or curses in causing diarrhea is relatively benign and does not necessitate programmatic attention.

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