Comments on: Indoor smoke kills 54,000 Afghans a year from the WASHplus Project Sat, 19 Sep 2015 07:30:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pat McArdle Sat, 12 Feb 2011 16:16:26 +0000 One Earth Designs in Boston has developed a portable solar parabolic cooker, the 3-in-one Sol Source solar cooker, which has three interchangeable units: one is a stand that holds a cooking pot or tea kettle, the second unit is a ceramic device that generates an electric current when heated and can be used to charge batteries, the third unit, which addresses the problem discussed in this report is a heat storage unit. After concentrated sunlight heats the unit to several hundred degrees, it can be stored in a heat retention basket, which is then opened at night to provide several hours of safe, smoke-free heat until the family goes to bed. It was designed for Tibetan nomads who needed something portable, but heavier parabolic solar cookers could also be used by Afghans for night time heating.
