Comments on: The SPARK Initiative from the WASHplus Project Sat, 19 Sep 2015 07:30:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crisp Wed, 05 Jun 2013 14:19:23 +0000 Dear Dale,Apologies for the delayed rsnposee. While we are not experts on biomass briquettes, we are currently experimenting on various projects and such can provide some feedback. The uncarbonized biomass tends to absorb moisture in tropical regions and thus makes it sometimes difficult to light. When lit, the briquettes sometimes emit a lot of smoke. The current trend we’ve seen is combining the sawdust with other biomass, like waste paper, and charcoal fines. Of course, this will also depend on the density of the briquette. Some high-density units can probably burn better but they have to be combined with some accelerant, maybe a resin of some sort. Unfortunately, we are in the process of trying out technologies ourselves, so we don’t have a good answer yet. Nevertheless, it is our intention to very soon establish a web-based forum that will focus on charcoal and briquette-making around the world so that people can have a public place to share questions. I’m sorry I can’t be of greater help right now but please keep checking back with us over the coming weeks.Also, can you tell us a bit about your project? We are always interested in learning more about different briquette projects around the world, especially in the South Pacific. You can write to my email: jkimchaix at charcoalproject dot org. Thanks!Rgds,Kim
