Comments on: Umande Trust – Communal biogas latrines in Nairobi from the WASHplus Project Sun, 26 Jul 2015 11:36:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Anonymous Wed, 06 Apr 2011 06:16:43 +0000 We stay in Remba Island of lake Victoria and exploring on ways to address sanitation problems (Human waste disposal).Kindly advice us on the cost of setting up one Bio gas toilet and if you can be contracted to construct it. Robinson Okeyo We stay in Remba Island of lake Victoria and exploring on ways to address sanitation problems (Human waste disposal).Kindly advice us on the cost of setting up one Bio gas toilet and if you can be contracted to construct it.

Robinson Okeyo

By: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 12:45:21 +0000 good morning am a young cameroonian interrested by the biogas and i would like to build biogas latrines but i don't know how to do it and i don't have any plan .I need everything that could help me as plans or advises or anything else thank you good morning am a young cameroonian interrested by the biogas and i would like to build biogas latrines but i don’t know how to do it and i don’t have any plan .I need everything that could help me as plans or advises or anything else

thank you

By: ngugi john rie ngugi john rie Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:08:53 +0000 am a student at moi university doing reaserch on bio latrines and i need information on it am a student at moi university doing reaserch on bio latrines and i need information on it

By: What it means to “get it” – Mikel Maron on Building Digital Technology for Our Planet « The Practical Radical What it means to “get it” – Mikel Maron on Building Digital Technology for Our Planet « The Practical Radical Wed, 18 Aug 2010 18:02:15 +0000 [...] Tuesday, I met with Umande Trust, who do amazing and innovative work in sanitation, best known for introducing biogas latrines to Kibera. I talked with Aidah mostly about data … we have data from our recent water and sanitation [...] [...] Tuesday, I met with Umande Trust, who do amazing and innovative work in sanitation, best known for introducing biogas latrines to Kibera. I talked with Aidah mostly about data … we have data from our recent water and sanitation [...]
