Comments on: Is Urban Waste the Solution to Tackling Climate Change? from the WASHplus Project Sun, 26 Jul 2015 11:36:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol Horner Carol Horner Sat, 12 Dec 2009 21:59:45 +0000 I am pleased to hear that Dr. Lian Pin Koh from ETH Zürich is making such a series of profound statements as to that which must surely have been the most obvious to us all. May I suggest you contact Genesyst UK/Ireland Limited and their Leader Peter Hurrell their Director General in charge of the programmes being tackled by that Company in the email under reference through the web in order to understand the real developments here. I am pleased to hear that Dr. Lian Pin Koh from ETH Zürich is making such a series of profound statements as to that which must surely have been the most obvious to us all.
May I suggest you contact Genesyst UK/Ireland Limited and their Leader Peter Hurrell their Director General in charge of the programmes being tackled by that Company in the email under reference through the web in order to understand the real developments here.
