Aid for Nutrition: Maximising the impact of nutrition-sensitive interventions, 2013. ACF International.
Author: Dr Stephen Spratt, the Institute of Development Studies.
Pages 24-25 discuss - Water and sanitation pathways and Water and sanitation interventions
An excerpt – So far, limited progress has been made to understand the impact of nutrition-sensitive or indirect nutrition interventions to address the underlying and basic causes of undernutrition. The evidence base, costings and commitments for the 13 essential nutrition interventions all relate to nutrition-specific or direct nutrition interventions. While vitally important, these are only one part of the solution.
For example, while it is clear that the agricultural or water and sanitation sectors will have a strong impact on nutrition, little is understood of the impact interventions in these sectors will have on nutrition outcomes due to the lack of nutrition indicators.
‘Nutrition-sensitive’ interventions aim to do precisely that: modify interventions and programmes in areas such as agriculture, health and infrastructure in such a way that nutrition outcomes are improved.
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