Reducing Child Undernutrition: Past Drivers and Priorities for the Post-MDG Era

May 14, 2014

Reducing Child Undernutrition: Past Drivers and Priorities for the Post-MDG Era, 2014. Full text Authors: Lisa Smith and Lawrence Haddad. Institute for Development Studies. As the post-MDG era approaches in 2016, reducing child undernutrition is gaining high priority on the international development agenda, both as a maker and marker of development. Revisiting Smith and Haddad […]

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Mycotoxins: a hidden factor in child stunting

May 14, 2014

Mycotoxins: a hidden factor in child stunting, 2013.  Kitty Cardwell. Link to video/presentation The socioeconomic situation of many people in developing countries exposes them to mycotoxin contaminated products – either by food consumption or through contact in different points of the food chain. A synergistic effect between mycotoxin exposure and growth faltering in children has […]

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Testing hypothesized predictors of immune activation in Tanzanian infants and children

May 14, 2014

Testing hypothesized predictors of immune activation in Tanzanian infants and children: Community, household, caretaker, and child effects. Am J Hum Biol. 2014 May 12. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22558. Order/author info Authors: Hadley C, Decaro JA. OBJECTIVES: There is increasing interest in the epidemiology of immune activation among young children because of the links with mortality and growth. We […]

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WASH Nutrition Literature Update – April 2014

April 30, 2014

WASHplus Weekly Special Update | Focus on WASH and Nutrition – April 2014 This issue features some of the latest studies on WASH and nutrition integration. Included are recent presentations from a USAID meeting and a global WASH conference. Other recent studies discuss the impact of improved sanitation facilities on reducing malnutrition and anemia. Also […]

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Beck Manning/USAID – The WASH and Nutrition Nexus: Addressing Child Stunting

April 17, 2014

The WASH and Nutrition Nexus: Addressing Child Stunting Through Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene | Source: Agrilinks blog APR 14, 2014 by BECKY MANNING - (USAID/BFS/SPPM). Water, sanitation, and hygiene are necessary for healthy populations, safe food, and sustainable development. In recognition of this truth, USAID established its first global Water and Development Strategy for the period […]

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Reducing Malnutrition: It takes more than food

April 17, 2014

Reducing Malnutrition: It takes more than food Link to videos/complete article on the Agrilinks blog. Excerpts = USAID’s Bureau of Food Security (BFS), the lead implementer of Feed the Future—the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative—organized a symposium at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Chicago on […]

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Association between economic growth and early childhood undernutrition

April 8, 2014

Association between economic growth and early childhood undernutrition: evidence from 121 Demographic and Health Surveys from 36 low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet Global Health, Apr 2014. Full text Authors: Sebastian Vollmer, et al. Background - Economic growth is widely regarded as a necessary, and often sufficient, condition for the improvement of population health. We aimed to […]

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Childhood malnutrition and parasitic helminth interactions

April 8, 2014

Childhood malnutrition and parasitic helminth interactions. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Apr 4. Full text, pdf Papier K, et al Background. There is evidence to support that nutritional deficiency can reduce the body’s immune function thereby decreasing resistance to disease and increasing susceptibility to intestinal parasites. Methods. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on 693 school-aged […]

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Catch-Up Growth Occurs after Diarrhea in Early Childhood

April 8, 2014

Catch-Up Growth Occurs after Diarrhea in Early Childhood. Jnl of Nutrition, April 2014. Order info Stephanie A. Richard, et al. To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Diarrhea and linear growth faltering continue to burden low-income countries and are among the most important contributors to poor health during early childhood. Diarrhea is thought to […]

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Prevalence of Anemia and Its Risk Factors Among Lactating Mothers in Myanmar

April 8, 2014

Prevalence of Anemia and Its Risk Factors Among Lactating Mothers in Myanmar. Am J Trop Med Hyg, Mar 2014. A Zhao. (Abstract) In Myanmar, 60 percent of the population consists of mothers and children, and they are the groups most vulnerable to anemia. The objectives of this study are to determine:  the anemia prevalence among lactating […]

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