David C. Schwebel, Dehran Swart, Jennifer Simpson, Siu-kuen Azor Hui, Phumla Hobe,
An Intervention to Reduce Kerosene-Related Burns and Poisonings in Low-Income South African Communities, IN: Health Psychology, Volume 28, Issue 4, July 2009, Pages 493-500, ISSN 0278-6133, DOI: 10.1037/a0014531.
Objective: Unintentional injury rates in low- and middle-income countries are up to 50 times higher than high-income nations. In South Africa, kerosene (paraffin) is a leading cause of poisoning and burns, particularly in low-income communities where it serves as a primary fuel for light, cooking, and heating. This study tested a community-based intervention to reduce kerosene-related injury risk. The intervention used a train-the-trainers model, whereby expert trainers train local paraprofessionals, who in turn deliver educational materials to community residents. The intervention was theory-driven, pragmatically motivated, and culturally sensitive.
Design: Prospective quasi-experimental intervention design with nonequivalent case versus control groups. Main
Outcome Measures: Three primary outcome measures were considered: self-reported knowledge of kerosene safety, observed practice of safe kerosene use, and self-reported recognition of risk for kerosene-related injury.
Results: ANOVA models suggest a large and significant increase in self-reported kerosene-related knowledge in the intervention community compared to the control community. There were smaller, but statistically significant changes, in kerosene-related safety practices and recognition of kerosene injury risk in the intervention community compared to the control community.
Conclusion: The intervention was successful. A train-the-trainers model might be an effective educational tool to reduce kerosene-related injury risk in low-income communities within low- and middle-income countries.