PCIA Bulletin, July 2009 – Health impacts of indoor air pollution

July 2, 2009 · 0 comments

PCIA Bulletin Issue 20, July 2009. (pdf, 494KB)

Health impacts associated with exposure to indoor air pollution include acute respiratory infections (ARI), including pneumonia; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); lung cancer (for users of open coal stoves); cataracts; tuberculosis; asthma; and adverse pregnancy outcomes (stillbirth, low birthweight). Because of these and other serious health impacts associated with household energy use, and the interest in this topic generated at the 4th Biennial Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum held in Kampala, Uganda in March 2009, this issue of the Bulletin focuses on highlighting recent research findings on some of these serious health impacts.

Household Energy Health Impacts
Feature Articles:
-IAP and Cardiovascular Impacts
-Biomass and HIV
-IAP and Children’s Health
-IAP and Lung Function Testing
-CO Emissions and Stove Testing
-IAP and Visual Impairment
-Biomass and Burns and Falls
-ARI Reduction in Pakistan
-Health Impact Tracking in India
What’s New
Fact Box
Health Impacts QUIZ!

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