Links to the videos listed below can be found on the IAP YouTube Playlist at:
1 – Envirofit Clean Cookstoves Program – Produced by Colorado State University
2 – Ghana Improved Cookstove Building Demo – Upper West, Ghana – A demonstration of how the improved cookstoves were constructed as part of Plan Ghana’s work in the Sissala West district of the Upper West region of Ghana, in collaboration with the Council on Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana, and the Center for the Evaluation of Global Action at the University of California, Berkeley.
3 – Build an Improved Cookstove – This video is published under Vietnam EASE Programme which stands for Enabling Access to Sustainable Energy. The video is product of Improved Cookstove Market Development Project implemented by Research Center for Energy and Environment (RCEE) and Center for Population Environment and Development (PED). The video was recorded in an on-job training in Thai Nguyen province.
4 – ENVIROFIT IMPROVED BIO-MASS COOKSTOVE – The demonstration / training video of Envirofit Improved Bio-mass Cookstove (2min version) in Tamil
5 – Cocinas Ecologicas – Video highlighting the benefits of cook stoves made by Stove Team International in El Salvador
6 – High-Efficiency Stove saves lives, fuel – The life and fuel saving (see vid)High-Efficiency stove, developed by Ashkok Gadgil and Christina Galitsky to address the challenge to the refugees and local environment of having to travel long distances at great risk in search of fuel to feed inefficient, poorly designed cookstoves back in the refugee camps of Darfur, Sudan.
7 – Hybrid Stove Making Charcoal – Biomass cooking stove burns wood to charcoal and saves the charcoal. One pound of wood cooks 6 kiols of rice and makes 65 grams of char
8 – Two Door Rocket Stove – Dean Still of Aprovecho Research Center demonstrates the features of the two-door improved rocket stove being made in China and distributed by StoveTec. The two-door “Combo” rocket stove burns a wide variety of biomass fuels, including wood, charcoal, dung, and agricultural waste such as palm leaves. This stove represents a highly refined combination of rocket stove technology and highly insulative ceramics to produce an exceptionally durable and highly efficient cook stove.
9 – Aprovecho Rocket Lorena Refugee Stove – The StoveTec One Door Stove burns wood or agricultural waste like palm fronds more efficiently than does an open fire. But some organizations prefer or need to make stoves locally rather than buying one ready made. This is especially true in refugee situations. One option is to use a StoveTec combustion chamber in a “mud” stove that CAN be made locally.
10 – Rocket Stove construction instruction Lao – REEPRO training video on the construction of an rocket stove, a efficient cook stove using 70% less wood than open fire. The construction costs of this stove are about 1 USD in the Lao PDR. Produced in the frame of the IEE funded REEPRO project
11 – Chimney Parts: Drip Tee – Simple to build chimney parts to reduce indoor air pollution for people in developing regions
12 – DAXU, China, Stoves designed to burn crop waste – DAXU won an Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy in 2007. To find out more visit the link above and check out the Ashden Awards Blog
13 – India, Karnataka – Ashden Awards 2007 – SKG Sangha has radically improved the lives of thousands of rural families in Karnataka, South India by supplying them with both dung based biogas plants for cooking and a specially designed unit that turns the slurry from the biogas plant into high quality fertiliser. The benefits of biogas are well known. It provides rural women with a cheap, reliable source of energy as well as reducing indoor air pollution and easing pressure on forest resources. Less well known is how turning the biogas residue into high quality fertiliser can increase crop yields and, more importantly, give rural women the chance to make a profit.
14 – Cooking and Culture in Nepal Part 1 – Have you heard of people dying from malnutrition and underweight? From unsafe sex? From unsafe water, bad sanitation and hygiene? Most likely yes. But what is less commonly known is that smoke from solid fuel is actually also among the four main courses of death, killing more than 1.6 million people each year. We have decided to take on this challenge, focussing on Nepal, bringing attention to the problem and helping the women and children suffering because of this invisible but dangerous killer in the kitchen!
15 – WP / AHDESA, Honduras, Fuel-efficient stoves – TWP and AHDESA won an Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy in 2005. To find out more visit the link above and check out the Ashden Awards Blog TWP and AHDESA, not-for-profit organisations based in the USA and Honduras, have enabled the installation of over 4000 efficient wood-burning stoves for cooking in Honduras. About half have been installed in and around the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, where demand for fuelwood has led to severe deforestation in the nearby hills, and also means that wood prices are high.