Colombia – cost-effectiveness of installing natural gas as a sanitary alternative for rural communities

November 3, 2009 · 0 comments

Rev Salud Publica (Bogota). 2008 Aug-Oct;10(4):537-49.

[The cost-effectiveness of installing natural gas as a sanitary alternative for rural communities on the Colombian Caribbean coast burning biomass fuels] [Article in Spanish]

Alvis-Guzmán N, Alvis-Estrada L, Orozco-Africano J. Grupo de Investigaciones en Economía de la Salud, Departamento de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales-DIES-Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Cartagena.  

OBJECTIVE: Evaluating the economic impact of natural gas as a sanitary technology regarding respiratory disease associated with indoor air pollution in rural localities on the Colombian Caribbean coast.

METHODS: Three studies were carried out: the burden of respiratory disease was evaluated (acute lower respiratory infection-ALRI and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – COPD), disease costs were studied and the cost effectiveness of natural gas was analysed in terms of reducing indoor air pollution.

RESULTS: Without natural gas in these localities, it would be expected that 498 (477-560) cases of ALRI per year would lead to 149 (119-196) hospitalisations, 6 (4-10) deaths and 7 291 (5,746-9,696) disability adjusted life years (DALY) annually. Furthermore, it is expected that 459 (372-684) cases of COPD per year would lead to 138 (93-239), hospitalisations, 11 deaths (5-26) and 1 500 (973-2 711) DALY annually. Annual disease burden cost was 5,2 (3,8-8,3) million dollars before installing domiciliary natural gas (DNG); most of such cost arose from COPD (around 85 %). ARI and COPD costs after installing DNG would rise to 3,5 (2,5-5,7) million dollars; avoided costs would be 1,6 (1,2-2,6) million dollars, (30 % of disease burden cost without DNG). The incremental cost-effectiveness (ICER) of installing DNG would be 56 (22-74) thousand dollars per life saved and ICER per DALY saved would be 43-66 dollars.

CONCLUSION: DNG is a sanitary technology which reduces the burden of indoor air pollution-associated respiratory diseases arising from burning biomass fuel in rural localities in a cost-effective way.

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