A bibliography of USAID reports on cookstoves and/or IAP

April 6, 2010 · 0 comments

Below are links to the full-text of selected USAID sponsored reports on cookstoves and or indoor air pollution from the 1980’s to the present:

Date Feb 2010
Title Evaluation of manufactured wood-burning stoves in Dadaab refugee camps, Kenya
Affiliated Orgs. Berkeley Air Monitoring Group | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Author Pennise, David | Charron, Dana | et al.


Date May 2009
Title Commercialization of improved cookstoves for reduced indoor air pollution in urban slums of northwest Bangladesh
Affiliated Orgs. Winrock International | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


Date Dec 2008
Title Fuel-efficient stove programs in IDP settings — summary evaluation report, Darfur, Sudan
Affiliated Orgs. Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (AED) | USAID. Bur. for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade. Ofc. of Infrastructure and Engineering

Date Sep 2007
Title Fuel efficient stove programs in IDP settings — summary evaluation report, Uganda
Affiliated Orgs. Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (AED) | USAID. Bur. for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade. Ofc. of Infrastructure and Engineering


Date 18 Jan 2007
Title International meeting on indoor air pollution, fuel efficient stoves and sustainable development : Brazil, Brasilia, October 16-17, 2006
Affiliated Orgs. Winrock International | USAID. Mission to Brazil | et al.
Author Ribeiro, Claudio | Miranda, Rogerio


Date Dec 2002
Title Projet integre de developpement durable pour les zones de montagnes bassin versant Nakhla, Rif Occidental : introduction de fours ameliores = Introduction of improved cookstoves in the Nakhla[, Morocco] watershed
Affiliated Orgs. Chemonics International Inc. | USAID. Bur. for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade. Ofc. of Environment and Natural Resources


Date 2008
Title Evaluating household energy and health interventions : a catalogue of methods
Affiliated Orgs. World Health Organization (WHO) | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


Date Mar 2005
Title Exploratory study on household energy practices, indoor air pollution and health perceptions in southern Philippines
Affiliated Orgs. Winrock International | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Author Saksena, Sumeet | Subida, Ronald | et al.

Date Mar 2004
Title Household energy, indoor air pollution and health impacts : status report for Nepal
Affiliated Orgs. Winrock International Nepal | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Date Dec 2002
Title Testing behaviours to reduce child exposure to indoor air pollution in rural South Africa
Affiliated Orgs. Medical Research Council of South Africa | Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (AED) | Manoff Group, Inc. | USAID. Bur. for Global Health. Ofc. of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition
Author Barnes, Brendon | Mathee, Angela

Date Jul 2002
Title Identification of behavioural intervention opportunities to reduce child exposure to indoor air pollution in rural South Africa
Affiliated Orgs. Medical Research Council of South Africa | Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (AED) | Manoff Group, Inc. | USAID. Bur. for Global Health. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition
Author Barnes, Brendon | Mathee, Angela

Date 2002
Title Addressing the links between indoor air pollution, household energy and human health
Affiliated Orgs. World Health Organization (WHO) | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Author Trevelyan, Joanna, ed.


Date Apr 2001
Title Understanding household demand for indoor air pollution control in developing countries
Affiliated Orgs. USAID. Bur. for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research. Center for Population, Health and Nutrition. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition | World Health Organization (WHO)
Author Larson, Bruce A. | Rosen, Sydney


Date 7 May 2000
Title The burden of disease from indoor air pollution in developing countries : comparison of estimates
Affiliated Orgs. USAID. Bur. for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research. Center for Population, Health and Nutrition. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition | World Health Organization (WHO)
Author Smith, Kirk R. | Mehta, Sumi

Date [2000]
Title Household benefits of indoor air pollution control in developing countries
Affiliated Orgs. USAID. Bur. for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research. Center for Population, Health and Nutrition. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition | World Health Organization (WHO)
Author Larson, Bruce A. | Rosen, Sydney


Date Dec 1998
Title Broad-search annotated bibliography on acute respiratory infections (ARI) and indoor air pollution (with emphasis on children under five in developing countries)
Affiliated Orgs. Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) | USAID. Bur. for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research. Center for Population, Health and Nutrition. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition
Author Kammen, Daniel M. | Wahhaj, Gemini | Yiadom, Maame Yaa


Date Dec 1997
Title An annotated bibliography on prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARI) and indoor air pollution (with emphasis on children in developing countries)
Affiliated Orgs. Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) | USAID. Bur. for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research. Center for Population, Health and Nutrition. Ofc. of Health and Nutrition
Author McCracken, John P. | Smith, Kirk R.


Date Dec 1984
Title Evaluation of RCUP’s improved cookstove program with special emphasis on indoor air pollution samplingAffiliated Orgs. South-East Consortium for International Development (SECID). Center for Women in Development | USAID. Bur. for Program and Policy Coordination. Ofc. of Women in Development
Author Reid, Holly F.

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