Improved Cookstoves and Better Health in Bangladesh: Lessons from Household Energy and Sanitation Programs, 2010.
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International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank.
Executive Summary
- Study Objectives and Approach
- Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution
- Experiences from the Household Energy Sector in Bangladesh
- Experiences from International Improved Cookstove Programs
- Experiences from the National Sanitation Program
- Way Forward
- Conclusions
Indoor Air Pollution in Bangladesh
- Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution
- Health Impacts for Bangladesh
- Health and Indoor Air Pollution: Unanswered Questions
- Bangladesh Scenario
- Clean Energy Initiatives in Bangladesh
- Objectives of this Review
- Structure of the Report
Review Methodology
- Detailed Review
- Conclusions
Household Energy Initi atives in Bangladesh
- BCSIR: Improved Cookstove Program, Phase II
- GTZ: Sustainable Energy for Development Program: Improved Cookstoves Component
- USAID: Reduction of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution through Household Energy and Behavioral Improvements
- BCSIR/LGED: Biogas Program
- IDCOL/SNV: National Domestic Biogas and Manure Program
- IDCOL: Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Program
- Conclusions 37
Lessons from Household Energy Initiatives in Bangladesh
- Institutional Arrangements
- Awareness and Motivation
- Development and Promotion of Technologies
- Financial Aspects
- Conclusions
Review of International Cookstove Programs
- Brief Overview of International Improved Cookstove Programs
- Lessons Learnt from International Improved Cookstove Programs
- Conclusions
Lessons from Sanitation Initiatives in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh’s Total Sanitation Campaign
- Comparison of Sanitation Programs in Bangladesh
- Institutional Arrangements
- Awareness and Motivation
- Development and Promotion of Technologies
- Financial Aspects
- Conclusions
Summary and Recommendations
- Status of Improved Stoves in Bangladesh
- Lessons from Successful Programs
- Way Forward
- Conclusions
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Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Warm Greetings from ISDE, Bangladesh!
ISDE Bangladesh is a non-governmental, voluntary, not for profit making, non-religious and development organization. From inception in 1992, it has been implementing various development activities to uplift the socio-economic and cultural condition of the ultra poor, reduction of poverty and hunger; improve the health and hygiene condition. It has given emphases to the development of the women and children through awareness raising, access to the local resources, strengthening capacity and skills of their organization, imparting felt-need based problem-solving program by adopting modern scientific knowledge and techniques.
ISDE Bangladesh has been covering with the various services for the disadvantaged and under developed community people through giving emphasis to the children and women at southeastern part of Bangladesh including Myanmar (Burma) boarder districts Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts. The major activities are self help institution building of poor women & development, awareness raising & motivation, women Income & employment creation, human and skill development training, non-formal education (adult, adolescent & children), nature & environment development & social forestry, prevention of dangerous climate changes, biodiversity management, homestead gardening and nutrition education, primary health and adolescent reproductive health care, safe motherhood care & support, promotion of child rights & development, safe drinking water supply and sanitation, STI/HIV AIDS prevention and education, regenerative agriculture, empowerment of coastal fishing community, access to justice and good governance, civic education, promotion of volunteerism, youth and community development, disseminating gender concept and developing social entrepreneur for stopping violence against women, human rights and legal education, democracy and legal education, increase women participation in political process, reduce gender discrimination, rights of adivashis & minorities, campaign on stops illegal use of small arms, peace building and peace education, prevention of trafficking and sexually abuse, consumer education & rights, protection of consumer rights, safe transportation, tobacco control, ICT education and mobilization, integrated disability in community development, fisheries development & livestock development, arsenic mitigation, sustainable alternative energy resource and improve cook stove use, disaster & risk reduction and early recovery etc.
We do believe that networking with all our friends and development partners makes a way of innovation and strength to fighting against injustice and establish a just society.
Hence we are requesting you to share your newsletters, achievements, publications and other information & materials with us and make us to find out our future direction and know about the updated situation. It will also bring develop cooperation with you and others philanthropists between our organization. We also requesting to share your advice, guidelines and other information whether, if there are any possibilities to implement/undertake joint programme under your umbrella or associated under your dynamic leadership.
Thanking you in advance for your best cooperation and support.
Yours sincerely,
S M Nazer Hossain
Executive Director
ISDE Bangladesh,,,
Developing countries are in need of a lot of change to lesser pollution on the environment and use new types of energies like solar and such, it’s going to be tough.