Women and health in rural kitchens

July 28, 2010 · 0 comments

AFJAND Online, March 2010

Women and health in rural kitchens: short communication

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Mutw’eia F.

There are ways we can iron out this situation and make a woman’s time in the kitchen pleasurable. They include: promotion of altered behavior through first, education in which there will be creation of public awareness of the risks associated with indoor air pollution. Women have been used as effective change agents linked to their strong desire to learn, practice positive health, nutrition and developmental behavior.

Behavior change will include: spending less time in the kitchen, keeping children away during cooking, improving ventilation by keeping doors and windows open and avoid use of the very smoky types of wood or dung for fuel. Additionally, nutrition education is needed on fast, efficient ways of preparing a balanced meal and use of effective cooking methods such as those that save time, energy and nutrients and help reduce the cooking time. This will aid minimize the time of exposure to smoke.

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