Will African Consumers Buy Cleaner Fuels and Stoves? A Household Energy Economic Analysis Model for the Market Introduction of Bio-Ethanol Cooking Stoves in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Mozambique, 2011.
Takeshi Takama, et al. Stockholm Environment Institute.
This report presents a study conducted by the Stockholm Environment Institute to assess the role of socio-economic attributes and product-specific attributes as determinants of cooking stove choice at the household level. The study involved a stated preference survey to investigate household-level preferences of cooking fuels and stoves; the survey included 200 households in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 564 households in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and 402 households in Maputo, Mozambique. The research team applied an alternative methodology, discrete choice analysis, which is commonly used in transportation studies, to assess the tradeoffs among attributes affecting household cooking choice. The research methodology included focus group discussions with key stakeholders as well as individual interviews, to validate the model and to identify any significant social, cultural and local attributes that may have been overlooked in the application of the model.