The Changing Climate of Household Energy: Determinants of Cooking Fuel Choice in Domestic Settings in Ghana

March 1, 2012 · 0 comments

The Changing Climate of Household Energy: Determinants of Cooking Fuel Choice in Domestic Settings in Axim, Ghana, 2011.

Ngozi Manyo-Plange

In Sub-Saharan Africa it is assumed that women’s cooking fuel choices are constrained by their economic circumstances. The purpose of this study is to understand how different factors influence cooking fuel choice in Ghana. A survey was administered to 100 adult female participants in Axim, Ghana.

The study identifies five key factors that contribute to fuel choice, indicating a more complex decision-making strategy than previously thought. It finds that many women are not passive victims of poverty, but that they actively prepare for energy-related hazards by building diverse energy portfolios.

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