KAMPALA, 3 November 2008 (IRIN) – Agatha Locham, 23, sits with her two weak and malnourished children a few steps from the entrance to a bank in Kampala.
“Mpayo ekikumi [give me a 100-shilling coin],” the boy, his stomach distended, shouts at passers-by.
Locham and her children are among the increasing number of residents of the drought-prone region of Karamoja, north-eastern Uganda, who have travelled hundreds of kilometres to the city to beg to survive.
She said her malnourished child was weak because they had not had a decent meal in days.
Locham declined to reveal how much they made in a day, saying only that it was sufficient for a room in Kisenyi slum.
Up to 30 people live in rooms meant for five in Kisenyi, with children charged 100 shillings (five US cents) while adults pay 300 shillings (15 cents) per night.