Urban Health Bulletin – Sep/Oct 2008

November 21, 2008 · 1 comment

Urban Health Bulletin, September/October 2008 (pdf, 135KB) – Environmental Health at USAID.

Anthony Kolb, USAID’s Urban Health Advisor, has selected 28 recently published urban health studies and below are titles of some of the studies in this issue.

Urban Health Analysis
1 Challenging assumptions about women’s empowerment: social and economic resources and domestic violence among young married women in urban South India.
2 Quantification of Urbanization in Relation to Chronic Diseases in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review.
3 Epidemiology and the macrosocial determinants of health.
Urban Environmental Health
12 Spatial analysis of risk factor of cholera outbreak for 2003-2004 in a peri-urban area of Lusaka, Zambia.
13 Spatial and demographic patterns of Cholera in Ashanti region – Ghana.
14 Improving access to water supply and sanitation in urban India: microfinance for water and sanitation infrastructure development.
Urban Vector Disease
21 Human population, urban settlement patterns and their impact on Plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity.
22 Mosquito larval habitats and public health implications in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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M Jahangir January 14, 2009 at 3:31 am

Think the root cause of poor urban and rural health in developing world is none other than dumping
untreated domestic and industrial waste in
fresh water and ground water, which pollutes
our souces of drinking water. We need to look
into indignous and vialbe treatmnent Technology.

M Jahangir
Memebr FANSA Interim Committee


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