WSP – Empowering Urban Areas to Better Manage Water Supply and Sanitation

February 23, 2009 · 0 comments

Empowering Urban Areas to Better Manage Water Supply and Sanitation, 2009 (pdf, full-text)

Dar Es Salaam, February 19, 2009—The Water and Sanitation Program today released a practical course manual for trainers of urban communities in Tanzania to improve water supply and sanitation management practices.

The seven modules are meant to equip communities with the tools to eliminate or reduce the major constraints in managing infrastructure and providing services. The manual also clarifies the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.

“Experience shows that communities who show ownership of their water supply and sanitation demonstrate a more vested interest in its maintenance and sustainability,” said Wambui Gichuri, Regional Team Leader for Africa at the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). “This manual will allow trainers to teach communities how to do this better, and will serve as a reference tool for those communities for years to come.”

The manual was developed in collaboration with the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority’s (DAWASA) Community Water Supply and Sanitation Program (CWSSP), but some material is applicable to other urban communities who may need to improve their management practices and increase the likelihood of a sustainable operation.

“The manual can also be a way for Government, planners, donors, and other supporters of these programs to better understand the nuances involved in rendering these services more sustainable,” Ms. Gichuri said.

The manual covers technical issues such as operations and maintenance activities—but also has a strong focus on institutional, managerial, and financial issues. The material is especially relevant for communities who have a relationship with the main water services provider and who are also committed to hiring an Operations Manager. The Operations Manager, the report says, should be a paid employee and their performance should be reviewed by beneficiaries.

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