USAID Grant: African Urban Poor – Improved Water and Sanitation (AUP-IWS) APS

May 14, 2009 · 0 comments

African Urban Poor – Improved Water and Sanitation (AUP-IWS) APS

Creation Date: Mar 09, 2009
Current Closing Date for Applications: Feb 08, 2010
Funding Instrument Type: Grant

Category of Funding Activity: Natural Resources

Award Ceiling: $4,500,000
Award Floor: $1,500,000
CFDA Number(s): 98.001 — USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to disseminate information about the United States Agency for International Development(USAID) African Urban Poor Improved Water Supply and Sanitation Program (AUP-IWS) APS.

USAID anticipates awarding a maximum of three assistance instruments from applications submitted in response to this APS during the first initial round. It is anticipated that grants will be funded for amounts between $1,500,000 and $4,500,000 for the life of proposed projects.

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