Urban Health Workshop – American Public Health Association Conference

October 15, 2009 · 1 comment


Saturday, November 7 th, 2009, Philadelphia Convention Center Room 110B

Philadelphia, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Workshop Leader: Diana Silimperi

Urban health in developing countries is a major neglected area of public health. In the near future, more than half of the world’s population will live in urban areas with most of this population living in underserved neglected urban slums in developing countries. With the leadership of Diana Silimperi we aim to define the current status of urban health in developing countries, discuss what tools are currently used, and distinguish the particular needs of urban versus rural CBPHC. Using participant contributions we aim to grapple with the problem issues encountered in public health in this urban setting and what solutions are needed to address these problems.

Dr. Diana R. Silimperi is the Vice President of the Center for Health Services at Management Sciences for Health. She is a public health pediatrician and epidemiologist with 25 years of experience implementing primary health care in Africa, Asia, and Latin America for WHO, UNICEF and diverse bilateral donors. She was the Director of the Urban Volunteer Program in Bangladesh in the late 1980s, and spearheaded primary health care in the urban slums of Lagos. She is one of the founding members of the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) and will be a keynote speaker at the Conference in Kenya this October.

Diana will be aided by a team of experienced international health facilitators. Activities will be facilitated to allow the maximum networking and discussion between participants. CBPHC is now an area with increasing prospects for young professionals. Those interested in international CBPHC are also invited to attend our business meeting on Tuesday 10th November at 5.00 pm at the Philadelphia Convention center. Young professionals are especially encouraged to attend.

To register contact: Sandy Hoar (e-mail: npaseh@gwumc.edu )

Registration including morning coffee $25 (students $20 payable at the door) To facilitate planning please register ASAP but certainly by October 24th and indicate if you will be joining us for dinner afterwards. For further information contact: Sandy Hoar or Paul Freeman (email: freeman.p.a@att.net) Chairman CBPHC-WG International Health Section.

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Umang Kochhar October 16, 2009 at 10:53 am

In India, we are trying to do a comparative analysis of the urban health scenarios and city models being used in Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico and Brazil and in India, the States of Tamilnadu, Kerala and Maharashtra. It would help in using the best practices to leverage the program.

I will be grateful if anyone who has any material/information on any country can pass it to me at umang.mhrd@gmail.com.


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