Sanitation in Developing Countries: Innovative Solutions in a Value Chain Framework

April 12, 2012 · 0 comments

Sanitation in Developing Countries: Innovative Solutions in a Value Chain Framework, 2011.

Meine Pieter van Dijk, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

There are a number of new ways to look to sanitation issues in developing countries, which will be discussed in this paper:

1. Look as shit as an asset, the beginning of a whole sanitation value chain
2. Emphasize the role of the private sector in sanitation, in particular small scale private
3. Pay attention to the economics of investing in sanitation
4. Increase the efficiency of the sanitation value chain
5. Look at advantages of small scale decentralized versus large scale centralized waste water
treatment (WWT) plants
6. Considering sanitation as a multi-governance challenge
7. Consider the economics of different technological options for sanitation
8. Incorporating informality in the sanitation sector
9. Tap alternative sources of finance for sanitation
10. Be aware of the politics of sanitation

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