Benin briefing – Economic impact of water and sanitation

September 27, 2012 · 0 comments

Benin briefing – Economic impact of water and sanitation, 2012.

Sanitation and Water for All

An economic study conducted for Benin has shown that impacts resulting from poor sanitation and hygiene cost the economy of
Benin CFA 50 Billion (US$ 104 million) per year, or the equivalent of 1.5% of annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This translates to an average CFA 5,700 (US$ 11.8) per capita annually, or CFA 6,600 (US$ 13.5) per unserved inhabitant. These figures reflect the

  • a) adverse health effects associated with poor sanitation and water supply,
  • b) costs of treating these health problems,
  • c) loss of productivity that results when individuals are sick and others have to care for them, and
  • d) time spent to accesss ervices (see Figure 1).

These estimates do not include the costs associated with environmental impacts (e.g. polluted water) and the adverse impacts on tourism and business.

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