Innovative Combustion Chamber Design and Integrated Cooking System Help Company Plan Cookstove Distribution in Africa, Latin America and Asia
FORT COLLINS, Colo., July 7 /PRNewswire/ — Envirofit International, a technology leader using sustainable, scalable business models to solve global health and environmental problems, is introducing its next generation of clean cookstoves for emerging markets. Featuring the EnviroFlame Combustion System(TM) and Envirofit Cooking System(TM), the Envirofit G-Series represents a revolutionary change to traditional cookstoves paradigm, enabling Envirofit to enter new global markets and meet increased demand around the world.
According to World Health Organization, nearly half the world’s population – nearly 3 billion people – cooks their daily meals indoors using traditional fire and stoves, burning biomass fuels like wood and crop waste. These traditional cooking methods are inefficient, waste fuel and are deadly, converting the burning biomass into toxic substances. The resulting Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) kills 1.6 million people every year, more than 85 percent of which are women and children under five. In addition, recent research has revealed that the soot from developing world cooking fires is second only to CO2 in affecting global warming. As such, government agencies and global leaders have been promoting improved cookstoves as a potential stop-gap solution to slow global warming effects.
“Indoor Air Pollution is a poverty, energy, health, climate change and gender issue that impacts half the world’s population. If we can find a financially viable, sustainable, scalable solution we will – in one go – have a positive impact on all of these areas. Envirofit’s new stove represents a significant step forward in this endeavour,” said Chris West, Director of the Shell Foundation, Envirofit International’s global cookstove partner.
Since unveiling its first line of clean cookstoves in May 2008, Envirofit has sold over 60,000 cookstoves in India. Over the next five years these 60K cookstoves could keep over 400,000 tons of CO2 and over 85,000 kg of black carbon from entering the atmosphere, while garnering savings of over 900 million rupees ($18M USD) for some of India’s lowest-income consumers.
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Please inform the details of institutions from where the stove can be purchased in kerala