Andri Christen, Carlos Morante Navarro, Daniel Mausezahl,
Safe drinking water and clean air: An experimental study evaluating the concept of combining household water treatment and indoor air improvement using the Water Disinfection Stove (WADIS),
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 February 2009, ISSN 1438-4639, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2009.01.001.
Indoor air pollution and unsafe water remain two of the most important environmental risk factors for the global burden of infectious diseases. Improved stoves and household water treatment (HWT) methods represent two of the most effective interventions to fight respiratory and diarrhoeal illnesses at household level. Since new improved stoves are highly accepted and HWT methods have their drawbacks regarding sustained use, combining the two interventions in one technical solution could result in notable positive convenience and health benefits.
A WAter DIsinfection Stove (WADIS) based on a Lorena-stove design with a simple flow-through boiling water-treatment system was developed and tested by a pilot experimental study in rural Bolivia. The results of a post-implementation evaluation of two WADIS and 27 Lorena-stoves indicate high social acceptance rather due to convenience gains of the stove than to perceived health improvements. The high efficacy of the WADIS-water treatment system, with a reduction of microbiological contamination load in the treated water from 87600 thermotolerant coliform colony forming units per 100 mL (CFU/100 mL) to zero is indicative.
The WADIS concept unifies two interventions addressing two important global burdens of disease. WADIS’ simple design, relying on locally available materials and low manufacturing costs (approx. 6 US) indicates potential for spontaneous diffusion and scaling up.
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Concerning the WADIS method, I am interested if we can incorporate it in our stove design which is very much better than the Lorena stove, ours has been tested by Aprovecho labs under contract to EPA, shown to reduce fuel by over 50% and indoor air pollution by 95%.
We are a Bolivian NGO, combating indoorair`pollution, water born disease and environmental issues
The stove concept of water disinfection is one I’d not come across before nbut looks interesting. Where can I find more information?