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TLUD stands for Top Lit Up Draft. This is different from most of the ordinary cook stoves which are Bottom Lit Up Draft. There is a lot of interest in TLUD technology around the world since this saves around 75 % fuel material compared to a traditional 3 stone fire wood stove.
A second advantage with TLUD technology is that it can accept a lot of waste materials as fuel like twigs, coconut shells, certain husks, dry grass, etc. Some of these fuels are also available at NIL cost in specific instances.
A third advantage is that tree felling is not necessary for fuel, since residues as mentioned above is enough.
A fourth advantage is that the entire process is carbon-neutral if the resultant charcoal is also burned. In case this charcoal is taken out and used as a soil conditioner, the entire process becomes carbon-negative. ie. practically, carbon is removed from the atmosphere and deposited in the soil. Hence TLUD technology is extremely environment-friendly.