WHO 2009 Country Profiles on Environmental Burden of Disease

July 29, 2009 · 0 comments

Link – http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/national/countryprofile/intro/en/index.html

Methods – Each country sheet consists of an estimation of the burden of disease developed along 2 methods:

Part 1: Environmental burden of disease for 3 selected risk factors
The first part presents deaths and DALYs attributable to three environmental risk factors, obtained with exposure-based methods. Data sources include:

— Exposure to unsafe water/sanitation (Source: MDG Monitoring)
Exposure to indoor air pollution due to solid fuel use (Source: MDG Monitoring)
— Exposure to particulate matter – indicator for outdoor air pollution (Source: The World Bank, AirBase, WHO PAHO)

Part 2: Total environmental burden of disease
The second part is based on the methods used in the recent “Preventing disease through healthy environments” publication and WHO country health statistics. The method uses regional exposure based on Comparative Risk Assessment & literature review, completed by expert opinion and provides how much the modifiable environment contribute to the disease burden of 85 diseases.

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